Calling all Planetary Healers, Light Workers, Grid Workers
For budding Planetary Healers, Grid Workers and those who have already answered the calling
For a long time now, I have been asked to teach others how I work on and heal the planetary Grid. Now the time has arrived to share this work by training others, and forming a powerful group of active Grid Workers, planetary healers and leaders.
Event Details
We are in the process of organising training days on a regular basis and weekends for those Planetary Healers who want to go deeper into the process. Please go the Contact Us form expressing your interest and we will keep you posted personally.
What does grid work involve?
The work involves working on the old grid system; part of this grid is the Ley line system. Healing places of cosmic power that have been shut down, this includes churches, hill forts, stone circles, standing stones, old wells and lots more . This is acupuncture of the Earths meridian system. This work will enable you to clear the grid of blocks and repair damaged aspects of the grid.
The new planetary grid
There is another aspect that needs urgent attention at this time and that is the setting up of, and maintaining a new planetary grid. This new grid is very specific to the times we live in. This new Grid is assisting in grounding the new energies that are flowing into planet earth right now.
This work is simple
This specific way of working on the grid is designed to be simple and easy. There are aspects for sure that might seem technical, but that does not mean it cannot be learned. We all have an innate intelligence that can be accessed easily through simple meditative techniques.
Who can do this work
Anyone who feels drawn to this work will quickly pick up effective ways of working with and on the planetary grid. Once you learn how to work on the Grid, it is quite simple. All it takes is a commitment of a minimum of a few minutes of your time during the day. Or if you have the time, you can spend hours regenerating the grid as you feel you want to.
Once you become aware of this process, you become a beacon of light and constantly grounding the energies easily and spontaneously. You may already be doing this, and if so you could enhance your ability to ground the light by working in a concerted way as part of an organised group.
Working in groups
Working together enhances the power of this work. There are some who do not want this happen and they are very organised in achieving there ends. In order to bring about a shift in consciousness on Earth the inhabitants have to make this happen. Sitting back and waiting for someone or something to do this work will not make the shift happen.
Why do this work
If you want to see an end to wars, poverty, lack, poor health then the way to achieve this is by taking action.
If you want to see a world where children are brought up in a safe, healthy environment where they feel loved and cared for. If you want to see a world at peace where tolerance, care, compassion and understanding are the norm. A world where education is free and accessible to all. A world where creativity and the arts and crafts are encouraged and valued. Then we as humans need to make this happen.
The Light workers
There are certain light workers who came to the planet Earth to ground the new energies at this time into the planetary grid. Some people, and that may be you will feel drawn to this work. If so, then you will feel you have come home.
There are people consciously working on this new grid, but not very many. In order to speed up the process of creating a new earth more people are needed to make this happen.
The more people who are working on the grid, bringing in and grounding the light, especially in an organised way, the more effective this healing will be, and the sooner humanity will be free.
You may well resonate with names such as The Intergalactic Federation or Intergalactic Federation of Light, Ashtar Command or certain star systems such as The Pleiades or The Syrian’s. From a very early age, I would look up at the night sky searching for the “Seven Sisters”, and feel such a strong connection and not know why. I still love to look at the night sky, first I will find my bearings with the Plough and then I look for The Pleiades, twinkling in a very different way to the rest of the night sky.
Challenges facing spiritually aware humans
The feeling of isolation, loneliness, a sense of disconnection, I do not fit in with my family or friends anymore. This is probably one of the hardest parts of adopting a more spiritual perspective on life. The people around you seem different to you or now seem different to times past. You can now see the deception of the media and news. Does the TV seems shallow and fake bordering in the insane. The standard diet does not suit you and can leave you feeling off colour or even ill. As your vibration changes so does your perspective on all of the above.
So hanging out with Kindred Spirits who don’t think you are a hippy, or crazy, or whacky in some way, is such a relief. It feels like you are connecting with your real family, and being around people who speak the same language and really understand you.
The new generation of youths can feel this also. These are the Indigo’s, Crystal and Star Children who seem to be twenty going on sixty in their level and sense of awareness. In the same way as they understand modern technology they also understand the new way of living and just seem to get it. These individuals are our future and the elders need to nurture and support this group.
Forming support groups
We will also be forming a support groups so you can meet up and work as a group on a regular basis. A group formed in North London just over a month ago. We meet once a week and the group is going from strength to strength.
This work is important
This work is a key component to the planetary shift. The shift will happen but the more you the ground crew get organised the faster the shift will take place. Humans have to assist in this process of creating a new earth. We need to take responsibility for our part in the redeeming of planet earth.
The shift is about creating a better home, and a safer place for humans to live, free of fear, poverty, violence and war. That sounds very appealing to me and as a collective have the power to make this happen.
If you feel drawn or called to this work and want to make a commitment to being a planetary Grid Worker then let me know and I will put you on the waiting list. This is the work of the Spiritual Warrior. We will be the new leaders in the months and years ahead so what better way to initiate the process of claiming your birth-right.
What next
At a later date I will also be taking groups of committed Grid Workers onto the land. If you feel up to it, we will sleep under the stars and the moon at points of cosmic power and in crop circles. You will know if this excites you. You will know if this is the work you signed up for when you came to this wonderful planet.
So contact me and express your interest in taking this deeper.
Some of the fun things we will be getting up to during training
- Chi Gung for yourself, Chi Gung for the land
- Grid meditations, setting up spirals, vortex’s and the new planetary grid
- Create a vision of a new future
- Studying Maps and the relationship of sacred sites to each other
- Learning to dowse and identify the different energies
- Clearing the land, the Grid and Sacred Sites
- Music and instruments on the grid including Gongs
- Soul Retrieval, healing old wounds from your past, family ancestral healing
- Connecting with your Guides and expanding your Spirit family
- …and much more
Why are all of the above so important
As we go through the Shift in consciousness and we evolve into more awareness then the greater the need to clear our energy bodies. Having clear intentions and at the same time raising our awareness, not only of our present reality, but also other realities is crucial in raising the planetary consciousness.
Soul Retrieval is just one method of clearing our energy body of trauma, negative thinking, old conditioning. This simple and gentle process can clear all sorts of blocks created by life’s experiences, especially as young children in this lifetime and other life times. We can also clear family trauma sometimes going back many generations.
As our consciousness rises then so does our ability to manifest and this is key to this process. If we are going to increase our ability to manifest, then we also need to have a clearer energy body. As we clear our energy body this has an effect on the world we live in and we are more capable of creating a positive, loving, caring, communal society.
The venue is still to be confirmed, so watch this space!
Let me know if you are interested as soon as you can so we make this event happen. Contact Us