What is the Grid…
This is how I see the planetary Grid. Well this question covers much more than the Planetary Grid. Because the Earth’s Grid is not just a series of interconnected lines around the planet. It is far more complex than pictures we see of Earth with Geometric symbols surrounding it. This is just a part of the Earth’s Grid.
This is a huge subject so I am going to summarise. As you become more aware of this subtle energy that is everywhere so you will find you will be able to tune into it. As you tune in you will begin to feel and understand it more.
Grid Systems..
The Earth does have these geometric shapes surrounding it, they also go into the earth and out into the cosmos. The whole of creation is linked by a web of geometric patterns. Each individual life form on Earth is composed of a universe or universes. Each organ system within the human body is a universe. Each cell is a universe.
There is no out there out there
John A Wheeler ~ Physicist
All these systems are composed of Atoms. Each atom is at least a solar system.. One could go on to say each Atom is composed of a universe. And on it goes. I am sure you heard “as above so below.” This is why the Cosmos is constantly expanding. It is infinite. It is growing like any other life form.
Its all connected..
And, every part of this massive system is connected.. It is connected by a grid system. You may know of the human body,s Grid system, called the Meridian system. This is the energy system referred to in Acupuncture. When there is a block in the body’s meridian system, the Acupuncturist can insert a needle and free up the block. This in turn allows the free flow of energy around its Meridian system. You even be able to feel the energy flowing during the treatment.
Healing the Planet..
There also other ways to work on the bodies meridian system just as there are many ways to work on the planetary grid or meridian system. There lots of ways to heal the planet. Having said that it is important to explore what works for you. You may hear that this is how its done, or that is how its done.. But once you understand the principles of any form of healing you can improvise in the same way a musician or composer improvises.
Keep an open heart..
All you have to remember is to work with a loving heart. And with the best and highest intentions.. This does not mean you have to be a perfect human being.. Just have the intentions to do your best to put out your highest vibration.
As part of our life experience you may well feel stressed, angry, sad, happy and a whole raft of other feelings. But when you work on the grid park the feelings that do not serve humanity. Park the more negative feelings somewhere safe until you get back where you pick them up if you feel like it and start working on them in the same way you work on the planetary grid.
The Grid as a Web..
This is what we do on the Planetary Grid. The negative feelings I just mentioned create blocks in your energy bodies systems such as the meridian system. As healers, we unblock blockages. As I mentioned about the planetary and universal and cosmic grid, the human body is very energetically complex. The meridian system is like a web of threads connecting all the other parts such as the Chakras and the Etheric bodies.
Points of Cosmic Energy..
The Earth’s acupuncture points are the sacred sites, usually identified by places like Stone Henge, Avebury, Mt Shasta, Ularu, Lake Titicatta, and the list goes on. Cathedrals, Churches, Wells, Hill Forts and more. Often a large country house or estate will occupy a sacred site. Or, as some call them, Points of Cosmic Energy..
Some causes of blocks to the grid.
People can purposefully block the flow of energy. This is a huge 7story in itself. Because it is not only people that cause blocks.
How do we unblock the blocks and what causes them..
To be continued..