Posted on April 4, 2013 by TheGridWorker — No Comments ↓
Change, and who creates the change.
The changes on the planet are going at such a fast rate that it can feel like we are at a fun-fair.. One minute were up, the next we going down, then we start to spin this way, then that way. The back ground noise is so loud you can’t even think strait. And then.. there are the smells from the various food stalls distracting you, leaving you spoiled for choice, and to make it worse, the food has no more nutritional value than a piece of cardboard with tomato ketchup on it! This can be life on Earth..
Change or not to change.. that is the question!
For some people change is not so easy, it can be quite stressful. Change is inevitable, and not always for the best. Or so it might seem at the time.
Reality Check.
Lets do a reality check.. To put this into perspective, my father left school at 13 and worked with horses on a farm. He took his driving test at 15 in a lorry with 2 gears; a forward and a reverse gear. The policeman asked him to drive around the block. When he got back, he gave him his licence and said “drive carefully son.” This was less than 100 years ago!
We did not have a phone when I grew up. I now have one in my pocket. It is so amazing. As well as talk to someone anywhere in the world.. See their face and surroundings, send someone a message anywhere in the world, send my letters via email without a stamp! My car is more electronically sophisticated than the first helicopter I worked on as an aircraft mechanic in the 1960’s.
Then we found the internet..
The internet took off about 20 years ago and look what has happened since then, if you are older than the internet that is..
And it came about because I had an interaction with someone this week, who was still operating out of the past. I felt for the man, because I remembered the good times from the past too; a time when there seemed to be very little bureaucracy in comparison to now. I actually felt freer in some way then.
Just for the record, this story is about the Grid..
Like a lot of people from my generation the technology now does not always come easily to us. I get this, and so I work at keeping up with the technology. Because I know if I do not there will come a time when it will hard to function in a technological world if you don’t..
There are lots of good things now that compensate in some way for the rapid change in technology.. if you choose to be discriminating. The information highway is quite astounding and necessary for the shift to take place because the information gets out there so quickly and to so many people..
I am not here to judge anyone, we are all on our journey of self-discovery, and in our own way. I did learn a lot from the interaction from the man living in the past so there is a reason for sharing this story.. Because if we want to make the world a better place we need to change the way we are going about our daily lives and to actively co-create the world we want to live in. We do this by living how we want our world to look and actually feeling it. We need to dream and feel it into existence..
Dimensional Shifts and consciousness.
The consciousness on the planet is changing so quickly. The youth now are of a totally different mind-set to my generation. And I had a different gene to my parents. But the difference now is vast, and the opening story confirms it. Youths now come in with the technology gene.. Young toddlers can work the TV remote.. And make it work! (I am getting there, with a little help from my best friend!) We got our first black and white TV when I was about eleven or twelve years old.
Ohh.. And where are we going..
You may have noticed there seems to be less time in your day. Well time is speeding up as you move towards higher dimensional frequencies. Another aspect of clicking up through the dimensional frequencies, your thoughts and feelings become easier to manifest in reality.. I expect you have heard the saying, “be careful what you ask for because you might just get it.” Well in the 5th dimension you will get it! So keep practicing clear thinking..
As we click up through the new frequencies, the higher dimensional octaves, towards the 5th dimension and beyond, and at a phenomenal speed, you will need to make a conscious effort to change with it. By a conscious effort, I mean to be aware of the changes, and notice how we are dealing with these changes. Also being aware that your change creates a global change! Be the person you want to see in others..
How to keep up..
Are you resisting change or going with the flow. Are you rebooting on a daily basis. This involves being still, meditating and allowing your physical, emotional, mental and spiritual body to catch up with the continuous shift in consciousness that is being downloaded. To gently integrate these shifts, as they are streaming into the planet. This is like downloading from Utube.. Sometimes we just have to sit patiently, waiting for the download..
What is actually shifting?
Phew.. EVERYTHING! We are experiencing solar flares, planetary alignments like there is no tomorrow. Three eclipses in close succession, and the list goes on and on. It’s no wonder you might be feeling tired and emotional as you are having to face your past and clear the old, out of date stories.
Information overload!
This has to be one of the big questions now.. I hear people say there is so much information out there that I get confused.. And it is no wonder because we are experiencing information overload, and it is coming from all directions. To make it even harder to digest and keep up with all that is going on, the info is conflicting. We do not know if it is true and accurate or false and inaccurate. We do not always know the real source of the information.
How to deal with information overload?
This is not so easy to start with, because you need a certain amount of knowledge to be able to discriminate what feels right for you.. If you are feeling grounded and centred, in your heart then a little voice will be saying.. this does not resonate with me, or with what I want to manifest or co-create for myself.
So my friends.. in order to discriminate.. be mindful of what you are thinking and notice how you feel. Sit with the feeling, notice where you feel it and just let if evaporate from your physical and energy body.
Be careful what you read or believe on line. Learn to discriminate, notice how you “feel” when you read something. Learn to trust your feelings and intuition. Develop that gut feeling. And learn to trust it. If you watch or listen to the news, read newspapers, then you are still buying into the old story. Someone else’s story.
Keep all the good bits…
Here we are, living on Planet Earth, having the choices, and you do have choices to create a world that is free of control, a place where you and I can travel freely to anywhere we want to. A place where we can eat food that is natural and fresh. A place where we can live in a way that has community and support at its heart. A place where every human can enjoy abundance on every level. And a world that is at peace!
Create your own story and reality..
“If you don’t design your own life plan, chances are you’ll fall into someone else’s. And guess what they might have planned for you – Not much!” ~Jim Rohn~
We are now manifesting much more quickly as a collective race on planet earth. You will eventually reach a time when you will be able to manifest immediately. Here is the point.. in order to bypass the confusion and negative hype, which if you buy into it, you will be feeding it..
If you worry about Chemtrails, if you feel you are getting stitched up by the banking system etc. etc.. Guess what.. Your thoughts are feeding the old system. Being aware is good, buying into the story serves only those who want to keep you under control..
Instead, focus on the freedom from all the old stories. Focus your time and energy on creating a future you want, not the one you do not want. As you do you are downloading this into, onto, up into to the Earths grid. And beyond..
This comes with a health warning so just in case you missed that.. if you buy into the negative story, you are feeding that energetically and helping to hold that reality in the 3rd dimension. We are clicking up through the octaves of the dimensional shift. And, as we move up through the octaves through the 4th to the 5th dimensions and beyond.. Our thought forms will manifest as we think and feel them.
To change the old reality of control etc.. Re-focus your attention on bringing in the light. Continue to develop your feelings of love. Create the future you want with your thoughts and feelings, and not on the future you do not want.
Humans create a future we do not want by focusing on all the negativity through the concept of “shock and horror mentality.” Let it go for good and move towards the new reality. This action will manifest the change.
Dream your reality into existence.
Dream the reality you want into existence. Visualise a world at peace, a world where the children are safe. Create a place where you can move freely, openly and safely between borders.
Imagine a place where every human on the planet has access to free, good quality health care; health care of their choosing. Choose a world where every individual has a decent home to live in.
Dream of a planet ~
- Where we have easy access to quality food
- A planet of co-operation, community and support.
- A place where education is free and accessible to all..
- A planet where every individual is financially free and more.
So.. To be free of the confusion.. focus on what you want, and away from that which you do not want..
How does this affect the Earths Grid..
What you think, what you feel and how you act gets downloaded to the planetary grid with out you even knowing! This is why it is important to be aware of how you are thinking, feeling and acting.
- What you focus on expands
- Let go of fear and replace it with trust
- What you resist, persists..
There will be more on what affects the grid, why and how..
Please pass on this email and let the movement towards peace on Earth grow…
Over and out.. for now
Absolute Proof, Aliens, Ascension, Ascension Grid, Awakening, Change, Cycle, Disclosure, Earth, Equinox, Exclusive, Greys, Grid Work, Illuminati, Indigo Child, NWO, Planetary Healing, Pleidian, Preview, Reptilian, SIRIUS, Space, Starchild, Starseed, The Grid, The Movie, Trailer, UFO